Expert Tips
April 16, 2021

8 Signs You Should Call a Tree Removal Service

8 Signs You Should Call a Tree Removal Service

8 Signs You Should Call a Tree Removal Service

Part of having the right trees on your property requires knowing when a professional is needed. Here are signs you should call a tree removal service.

Spring has sprung and the trees around your property are ready to grow! Beautiful, healthy trees can keep your home cool and provide natural shade. They also release fresh oxygen into the atmosphere and filter toxins from the air.

Unfortunately, overgrowth could cause damages to your roof, leading to costly repairs.

Instead of waiting around, consider scheduling a tree removal service.

The tree trimming services marketing has reached $26 billion in the US. More people are prioritizing their home's curb appeal and surrounding environment. Removing unappealing trees can keep disease, fungi, and other issues from spreading.

When do you know it's time to start removing damaged trees? Keep reading to find out! With this guide, you can make a better decision for your home's environment.

Discover when you need to start removing old trees with these tips today!

1. Dead Trees

About 90% of the people who own a yard say it's important to maintain it. Meanwhile, two out of three owners say they'd hire a professional to take care of their trees. By hiring a professional tree removal service, you can keep your yard in the best possible shape.

First, look around for dead trees. It's normal for trees to exhaust their natural lifespan. In some cases, pests or an infection could cause a tree to die.

You might notice decaying branches around your lawn. It's important to react before an entire tree falls.

Have someone inspect the tree to look for any potential issues. An expert can ensure the tree is structurally sound. They can help you determine what to do moving forward.

Otherwise, a dead tree could pose a danger to your safety. It could cause damage to your home.

Call for a tree removal service. They can help by removing old trees before they get the chance to fall. You can protect yourself, your family, and your home before an accident occurs.

2. Overgrowth

Has your tree outgrown its space? You might notice dangerous branches are now hanging over your home. What happens if there's a storm?

Strong winds and rain could cause a branch to break. It could crash into your gutters, roof, or car.

Instead of waiting for an accident to occur, talk to an expert about removing overgrown trees. They'll determine whether you should trim the tree or cut it down entirely.

3. Damaged Plants

A storm could cause serious damages to the trees around your home. Plants can only endure a storm to a certain extent. If a storm causes extreme damage, it's time to call for a tree removal service.

How do the trees around your home look after a storm? You might notice one tree is leaning a little too close to your home.

Healthy trees are more likely to endure a storm. If there's a tree leaning toward your home, it's possible there's an issue with the foundation. You'll need an expert to determine what the problem is.

4. Problematic Roots

Healthy tree roots indicate a healthy tree. If the roots aren't healthy, they might struggle to hold the tree in place. You might even notice diseased roots, which could cause the tree to die.

Look for tree cankers, too. Cankers are areas where the tree is missing bark. This usually indicates a serious injury or disease.

Speak to someone with experience dealing with cankers. They'll let you know if the problem is serious. If it is, you might want to start removing old trees around your home.

Otherwise, the cankers could start spreading to other trees.

5. Not Budding

Do you have a flowering tree near your home? Wait until the season to see if it buds. If you've noticed it's no longer flowering, it's possible there's an underlying health issue.

6. Diseases, Fungus, and Pests

Look for fungi growing around your tree trunks. Usually, mushrooms, mold, or fungi aren't an issue. If fungi start growing around the base of the trunk, it's possibly a serious disease.

You might have to remove the entire tree.

Mushrooms around the base of your tree could indicate decay. Mushrooms often flourish where decay is present.

Look for decay, too. Decay is a tell-tale sign it's time to remove the tree.

You might also notice leaf scorch. Leaf scorch is a bacterial infection. You'll notice red and yellow lines around the tree leaves, as if they're scorched.

Insects can spread the disease further.

Look for typical signs of tree disease, including:

  • Leaves falling off too soon
  • Discolored leaves
  • Strange bumps on the tree bark
  • Fungi growing on the branches or trunk

In some cases, an expert can manage the disease with pruning and rehabilitation. If the disease has progressed, however, you might need to remove the tree.

It's important to remove these infected trees from around your home right away. Otherwise, trees with diseases can impact your entire yard.

7. Cavities

Look around the tree trunk. Are holes beginning to form around the trunk or branches? Cavities often indicate a decayed or diseased tree.

You might also notice hollowed stems. These stems could compromise your tree's stability.

Call someone about removing damaged trees right away. Otherwise, the tree's compromised structural stability could cause it to fall over.

8. Hazardous Locations

Sometimes, a tree's growth pattern could endanger your property. For example, tree branches could start scraping against your home's siding. They could promote mold to grow against your home.

How close is the tree to your home? If the roots have started to spread, they could invade the home's sewer system. You might notice blockages or burst pipes as a result.

Make sure branches aren't hanging too close to your power lines, either.

You might need to remove these trees to accommodate the expansion of your home, too.

Rip Out the Roots: 8 Signs It's Time to Request a Tree Removal Service

Don't let trees with diseases or decay crash into your home. Instead, consider hiring a tree removal service. With help from experts, you can start removing damaged trees before they cause more damage.

You don't need to prune these trees on your own. Instead, call the experts.

Get a free estimate from our trusted tree removal team today!

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